These three massive standing stones, which are aligned NNW-SSE, stand very close to the A1 Motorway near Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire, making it an incredibly noisy place to be. It's believed that there were originally five stones in the group, but two were toppled by locals as late as the 18th Century. They're all shaped stones (menhirs) and composed of Millstone Grit which is relatively local to this site and have a distinct groove-worn look to them from 5,000 years of weather. The tallest stone is 22.5 feet high making it the second tallest standing stone in the UK after the 25 feet tall Rudston Monolith in East Yorkshire. Interestingly, if you park in Boroughbridge and don't have a local map and ask the whereabouts of the stones, nobody seems to have heard of them!