Kit’s Coty is one of the best known and enigmatic prehistoric structures in Kent and the UK . This Neolithic dolmen is all that remains of a large chambered long barrow and is one of the Medway Megaliths. Excavations over the decades turned up very little as the rear part of the barrow had been ploughed out and the curb stones removed. Just a few pottery sherds and a solitary flint arrow head are the only known burial artefacts. Shame about the railings but considering how much graffiti there is on it, much of it Victorian, it’s probably for the best! I should also point out that it’s not that easy to find. Although it’s not hidden away or anything, it’s situated just off the Old Chatham Road which is just off the A229 and there are few places you can park near it without obstructing someones drive. Possibly the best thing to do is to cycle to it if you can.

I kind of think that central stone is a blocking stone with a ‘crawl through’. I’ve seen similar things in the interiors of some Cotswold Severn type long barrows